Contact and general information

The web site is owned by the Spanish company FAUSTIC INFERNO SL.

FAUSTIC INFERNO SL is a single member company committed to software development.

Address and contact information

Calle de Isabel Colbrand, 6, planta 5
28050 Madrid
Phone number: (+34) 913 446 881

Identification data

NIF: B86056926
Registered on Madrid Mercantile Registry, tomo 28220, folio 194, inscripción 1, hoja M-508311.

Terms of use

This web site is subject to the following terms of use:

  1. FAUSTIC INFERNO SL provides contents on the web site as a service to current or potential users of its software products.
  2. Except where otherwise noted, the copyright of all contents available at the web site belongs to FAUSTIC INFERNO SL. Express authorization is required from FAUSTIC INFERNO SL to reproduce such contents in whole or in part, with the following exceptions:
    1. Quotation from technical information included in these pages, as long as such quotations are clearly credited with a link to the original page from where they were extracted.
    2. Redistribution of software products when their particular terms of use allow for it.
  3. FAUSTIC INFERNO SL may sell certain products or services through this web site. To be able to buy these products or services, the user must be older than 18 years old and have the required legal capacity.
  4. Users shall not use this site for illegal activities nor activities that may cause harm to other users, to FAUSTIC INFERNO SL, or to other parties.
  5. This web site may provide links to other web sites from third parties. FAUSTIC INFERNO SL will not be held responsible for the contents on those sites.
  6. FAUSTIC INFERNO SL may ask for personal data from its users in order to provide information and services. These personal data will be responsibly stored and guarded, and will not be shared with other parties, unless it is required by law. Concerning these personal data, the user may at any time exercise the right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, according to the law.
  7. FAUSTIC INFERNO SL aims some of its products at a non English speaking public, so it is possible that some pages at this site are not translated into English. The users who use pages or products from this web site without enough mastery of the languages they are written in, will be doing so at their own risk.
  8. These terms of use, as well as any conflicts related to them, shall be regulated by Spanish law.
He hath studied her will, and translated her will out of honesty into Englishrebién haya el curioso que tuvo cuidado de hacerlas traducir de arábigo en nuestro vulgar castellano